
Télécharger Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Da Capo Paperback) (English Edition) Livre PDF Gratuit


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Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Da Capo Paperback) (English Edition) - de J. E. Gordon (Author)

Caractéristiques Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Da Capo Paperback) (English Edition)

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Le Titre Du LivreStructures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Da Capo Paperback) (English Edition)
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TraducteurWonda Caedon
Quantité de Pages718 Pages
Taille du fichier24.39 MB
LangueFrançais & Anglais
ÉditeurMkuki na Nyota
Type de E-BookAMZ ePub PDF AMI RPT
ÉcrivainJ. E. Gordon
Nom de FichierStructures-Or-Why-Things-Don't-Fall-Down-(Da-Capo-Paperback)-(English-Edition).pdf

Télécharger Structures: Or Why Things Don't Fall Down (Da Capo Paperback) (English Edition) Livre PDF Gratuit

For anyone who has ever wondered why suspension bridges dont collapse under eight lanes of traffic how dams hold backor give way underthousands of gallons of water or what principles guide the design of a skyscraper or a kangaroo this book will ease your anxiety and answer your questions J E Gordon strips engineering of its confusing technical terms communicating its founding principles in accessible witty prose

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